Our Mission

Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont (CFRB) is a non-partisan, grass-roots group of concerned citizens who serve Belmont residents by working to increase accountability, responsibility and transparency in all aspects of town government.


How we advocate

CFRB advocates for fact-based and data-guided decision making, transparency, accountability, and fairness in all aspects of town and school government to help achieve our mission.

Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont, Inc. is incorporated as a Massachusetts 501(c)4 non-profit. As such, donations to CFRB are not tax deductible.

Under current IRS regulations, donor names are not disclosed.

Current Initiatives

In pursuit of our goals CFRB is working on projects targeted to save the town money and/or increase revenue streams.

  • Better Budgeting and Smarter Spending in town and school. Advocating for a “Compact with Voters” to restrain spending growth.

  • Equity and balance in funding for both town and school.

  • Fighting the ever-increasing tax burden on Belmont residents and businesses through debt exclusions and overrides.

Collaboration & Engagement

Members of Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont solicit and welcome collaboration with town and school officials. “Watch Committees” follow critical town and school public meetings to question, understand and comment.


Who We Are

Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont, Inc. is incorporated as a Massachusetts 501(c)(4) non-profit. We are an all-volunteer organization.

Officers and Directors

Dawn MacKerron, President - Third generation resident of Belmont | Long-time Belmont homeowner | Campaign Manager, 2021 No Override Now | Sales Engineer for a Manufacturing Representative firm in the Automation Industry | 35 year member of the International Society of Automation

Marie Warner, Vice President - Long-time Belmont resident and homeowner | Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member | Belmont Warrant Committee Member | Chair, Public Services Subcommittee of the Warrant Committee |Vice-Chair, Belmont Economic Development Committe | Chair, 2021 No Override Now Committee | Technology Sales and Marketing Executive | Founder, Boston Women Connect Entrepreneurial Organization

William Anderson, Treasurer - Long-time Belmont resident and homeowner | Parent of Belmont High School graduate | Precinct 2 Town Meeting Member | Member and Secretary of the Warrant Committee | Education and Public Service Subcommittee of the Warrant Committee | Chief Financial Officer, Planning Office for Urban Affairs

Allison Lenk, Secretary & Director of Communications - Third generation Belmont resident | Precinct 8 Town Meeting Member | Vision 21 Implementation Committee (VIC) Member | Belmont Historical Society Member | Belmont Land Trust Board Member | Belmont Dramatic Club Board Member | Member, Co-Founder Save Belmont Wildlife | Belmont Garden Club Member | Recently retired Literacy Specialist

Our Charter Supporters

Dr. Barry Simmons Dr. Russell DeBurlo (in memoriam)

Liz Allison Jane Shapiro

Keri Macero Eleanor Counselman

Charles C Counselman III, PhD. Allison Lenk

Marie Warner Dawn MacKerron

Bill Anderson Nancy Sarris

Gang Zhou Deran Muckjian