Town Still Hangs From ‘Fiscal Cliff’
Allison Lenk and Robie White Allison Lenk and Robie White

Town Still Hangs From ‘Fiscal Cliff’

Do you ever wonder what happened to the recommendations of the 2022 Collins Center Report?   Allison Lenk, CFRB Director of Communications and Town Meeting Member, Precinct 8, with Robie White, former Warrant Committee member, authored an update.  (recently published in the Belmont Citizens Forum).

The 2022 report, produced by the Edwards J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management, stresses the urgency of acting on their recommendations which were initially made in 2018. The earlier report included a warning that Belmont would be falling off a “fiscal cliff” in the future if changes weren’t pursued.

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Tax Abatement Process - How-to Video
Marie Warner & Bill Anderson Marie Warner & Bill Anderson

Tax Abatement Process - How-to Video

Many Belmontonians believe that their real estate taxes are “unfairly” high — that is, the assessed value of their property (land plus buildings) is too high — higher than the valuation of similar homes (comparables). This 19 minute video was recorded in 2022 and is narrated by William (Bill) Anderson, TMM, Precinct 2; member of the Warrant Committee; and CFRB Officer. Anderson leads us through his tax abatement story, from understanding the Belmont tax bill through the process of applying (and fighting!) for an abatement, and to consequently lower his tax bill.

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MBTA Act - 3A Maps and Amendments
Marie Warner Marie Warner

MBTA Act - 3A Maps and Amendments

Carol Berberian, Planning Board and Town Meeting Member shares her insights into the MBTA Housing Act, also known as 3A. Listen to learn more about the proposed maps and amendments.

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Advancing the Belmont Compact
Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont

Advancing the Belmont Compact

Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont is focusing on three initiatives to further our goal of working to increase accountability, responsibility and transparency in all aspects of town government.  The first of these is Advancing the Town Compact.

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Voices Amplified
Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont

Voices Amplified

On Monday, July 22, the Select Board Vice Chair launched a verbal attack on Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont, (CFRB) and on CFRB Vice President, Marie Warner.  

Marie’s reappointment to the Economic Development Committee (EDC) was to be voted by the Select Board. The Vice Chair opposed this reappointment due to her affiliation with CFRB.

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