Important Questions on Staffing Decisions

As Belmont citizens and town meeting members, we are writing to express our concern over the personnel changes – Tree Warden and Town Accountant – proposed by Town Administrator Garvin at the July 19 Select Board Meeting.  

Oddly, no clarifying questions were posed by the Select Board that evening.  If there is a situation requiring some kind of nominal inquiry it would be such a series of events.

Our fundamental concern is with clarity as to what created this short term urgent situation. It has been known for months that these roles would be open. We are also concerned whether the currently proposed solutions represent what is best for the Town, in terms of process and management approach. We don’t believe it is.  Knowing full well, and well in advance of these changes, the solutions proposed indicate a questionable process with regard to good stewardship of the Town’s limited resources.

Below are questions which should be addressed before these staffing changes are approved by the Select Board.

Proposed Temporary Tree Warden Positions


The statement was made that Belmont needs a full-time Tree Warden, to replace the part-time, no-benefits tree warden, Mr. Walsh, who retired.  Since there is a budget for a part-time Tree Warden, it would have been prudent to focus on replacing Mr. Walsh with another part-time warden, not a full-time employee with benefits.  While the state mandates that there must be a position of tree warden, this role can be part-time or contracted with an outside, certified party.

Massachusetts state regulations permit the outsourcing of tree warden to a certified contractor. There are municipalities in Metro-West and Metro-North with part-time tree wardens. (Arlington initially hired part-time warden and Medford has an award-winning part-time tree warden).  The Massachusetts Qualified Tree Warden (MQTW) training course begins in September and lasts into November.

Relevant and significant questions

  • Were any part-time tree wardens approached to ascertain their interest in another part-time role?

  • What is the justification for this expansion in role from part-time to full-time employee with benefits? Why was this not highlighted as a required addition to staff during budget discussions?

  • What other options were considered before recommending the temporary assignment of Mr. Marcotte and Mr. Santoro?

  • When was the candidate search for a replacement tree warden initiated?

  • What is available to demonstrate a meaningful candidate search including when the search began, external candidates’ resumes reviewed, and certified individuals interviewed?

  • What is the documentation for the search for regional sharing of a tree warden?

  • How many hours weekly will these temporary positions consume for Mr. Marcotte and Mr. Santoro above their regular full-time roles?

  • Alternatively, will there be a reduction in hours worked in their full-time roles, and consequently in their compensation if the tree warden duties are to be carried out during their regular working day?

  • If these duties will be carried out after the working day, what is the additional cost in overtime for the crew assigned to tree maintenance tasks?

  • What is the proposed stipend for Mr. Marcotte and Mr. Santoro?

  • What is the definition of “temporary?”

  • What candidate search and recruitment plans are ongoing now and planned in future weeks to fill the role permanently?

  • State Ethics Commission decision/ruling: Please provide the specific application from the Town of Belmont and the specific ruling/decision from the State Ethics Commission relative to the addition of both the potential stipend(s); the payment for and time off with pay for 8 weeks of classes paid for by the town and/or adding the potential new temporary position (s) of Tree Warden (s) to the current full time Director of DPW and Asst. Director of DPW/Director of Highway.

Promotion of Glenn Castro to Town Accountant


It has been reported in recent years Belmont has experienced accounting errors and omissions (Free Cash, Cemetery Accounting, to name a couple).  Given that, and in the climate of Belmont’s current financial situation, it is disconcerting that an uncertified individual, nor a college degree in Accounting, was promoted to this role. While it may seem laudatory to promote internally, is this really the best action for the Town of Belmont?

It was stated that “few resumes” were submitted, but none were worth pursuing. Please show documentation of candidate search and recruitment efforts and the timeline of this search to find qualified, certified candidates. Mr. Castro is not yet certified, nor does he have a degree in Accounting.

Teachers are not compensated recognizing advanced degrees until those degrees are earned; likewise, compensation is not increased for other credentialed professionals until education and certification thresholds are met.

Relevant and significant questions

  • Are there other Belmont town professionals with a degree in Accounting or Municipal Accounting Certification?

  • Were these individuals approached and interviewed for the role, in the interest of internal promotions?

  • Has Mr. Castro showed an interest and initiative in advancing his career to that of Town Accountant?

  • What accounting or municipal finance courses has Mr. Castro taken in prior years to evidence this? What training has he pursued since he was appointed in the acting role?

  • What is the cost to the town of the certification and continuing education that Mr. Castro must take? What is the duration of this educational program?

  • Will Mr. Castro be attending his certification classes during the workday? If so, how many hours of comp time does this represent?

  • What tasks and analysis will he be ill-prepared to address?

  • What additional costs will Belmont incur if outside professional accounting consultation is needed?

  • Will Mr. Castro’s compensation as Town Accountant be delayed until he possesses the required certification?

In the interest of transparency, we urge the Select Board to address these questions at the upcoming public Select Board meeting on Monday, August 2, 2021.



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