Suggestions to Cut Taxes
The third newsletter in our Smarter Spending - Better Budgeting Series features an article by guest author Ed Kazanjian with his suggestions for reducing taxes on Belmont homeowners. CFRB presents guest author views to increase awareness and to promote dialogue. We welcome your suggestions and comments also. (Comment section appears after blog content.)
Urgent Need in Belmont -- Strategy to Reduce Expenses
This newsletter is the second in our Better Budgeting, Smarter Spending series, returning to the Collins Center Report to highlight the recommended changes Belmont Town Officials have chosen to prioritize. Their direction is clear: Greater power to Town Officials, taking choice and power away from you, the citizens and voters. Notable examples follow.
Belmont Needs Better Budgeting & Smarter Spending
The Collins Center Report is often quoted by Town Officials as justification for recommended changes and actions – for example, an appointed not elected treasurer or using Belmont’s Free Cash for only one-time expenses.
Other recommendations made in the Collins Center Report are seemingly ignored. This newsletter is the first in a series highlighting Belmont’s dismal record of poor budgeting and misguided spending. In this initial article we set the stage by highlighting the Collins Center Report’s observations on the overall tax burden on Belmont homeowners.
Important Belmont Meeting & Public Forum Dates in October
October is a busy month for important town, committee and school meetings. Town officials are beginning discussions of a 2024 Tax Override, plus proposed zoning changes, as well as the Fall Town Meeting. This blog highlights dates of specific critical covering topics impacting the town budget, your taxes and our town. The intent is to offer you advance notice of important meetings, to encourage you to attend, and to SPEAK OUT!
CFRB Fights for Belmont Taxpayers – and Wins
Citizens for a Fiscally Responsible Belmont joined forces with other taxpayer advocate groups to fight for the rebate of your state tax payments according to a decades-old law, Chapter 62F. This week the state auditor announced that $3 billion would be returned to taxpayers here in Belmont and throughout the state.